Greetings from Pedestrian and Cycle Manitou (PaC-MAN)! We are excited about interviewing
Manitou Springs residents about their experiences walking and rolling as transportation and look
forward to meeting you. Please direct-message us on Facebook (@pacmanitou) if you would like to
share your story with the community.

We recently caught up with Jacob Jacobsen about his experience walking to school in Manitou.
PaC-MAN hopes that you will also be inspired to replace one car trip with active transportation this
How long have you been a resident and why did you choose to live in Manitou?
I have been a resident in Manitou for eight months and I choose to live here because of the
scenery. Living at the foot of a mountain is nice. Previously living in Michigan, it was much harder to
walk to school and was too long of a walk.
What are the pros/cons of walking to MSHS?
The pros of walking to MSHS are how relaxing it can be before the day ahead, getting mentally
prepared for school, and getting exercise. The cons of walking are how hot or cold the mornings can be
when walking, but dressing appropriately can get solve those problems.
What infrastructure and/or esthetic improvement would have the most positive impact on
your walking experiences in Manitou?
I already think my walking experience is the best it can be, as I can mostly take sidewalks to get to
my destination.
What advice would you give someone who would like try walking to MSHS, but does not
have much time?
I would tell them to take short walks at first and, if they like walking, start making time to take
longer and longer walks. But if they don’t, they should use other types of transportation such as a
PikeRide or regular bike, carpool or bus.
What do you think would increase students more walking and rolling to school in Manitou?
I don’t think anything could be improved that would increase more students walking to school
other than to ask that students consider their impacts on the planet. Fewer car trips mean cleaner air.
There are so many ways that we can all try to lessen our impact on the climate crisis.
What other form of transportation do you use and what has that experience been like?
I don’t take any other types of transportation. I only walk to school. Like I mentioned before,
walking to school has so many positive benefits and allows me to see the beautiful scenery.

By Pac Man