To the editor:

I write concerning the worrisome traffic safety situation on Crystal Park Road. Specifically, I am referring to the various bends found on the stretch between Manitou Avenue and Crystal Hills Boulevard.

I believe that the lack of traffic-calming measures constitutes a serious safety hazard, particularly with the absence of sidewalks and the busy traffic situation around the Crystal Park Cantina restaurant.

It doesn’t help that there are some reckless drivers who speed and cut the corners, seemingly unaware that there may be pedestrians or cyclists around the bend, as well as the numerous deer found in the area.

There are a number of measures that could be implemented, and I hope that the neighborhood and City Council will seriously consider this issue before someone is killed or injured.

May I offer some suggestions:

  Installing speed bumps, particularly on bends;

  Constructing sidewalks (and I hope that local residents will reconsider this issue, as I’m aware that sidewalks in this area have been rejected in the past);

  Painting “SLOW” on the pavement on the approach to the bends; and

  Adding a proper pedestrian crossing with flashing lights near the Cantina.

These are just some ideas to help improve safety in the neighborhood. I would urge drivers on Crystal Park Road to take extra care, especially at night. Please remember that vehicles are heavy metal boxes with deadly impact potential, while pedestrians and cyclists are soft and fleshy.

Thank you for your consideration and thoughtfulness.