Officers responded to a report of a criminal trespass that occurred in the 800 block of Manitou Avenue resulting in no damages or stolen property. At this time, no suspects have been identified.

Officers responded to a report of theft that occurred in the 100 block of Manitou Avenue. The suspect was arrested and charged.

MSPD officers responded to a theft from a vehicle which occurred the previous night of Feb. 24 between the hours of 1800 and 0600 the following day. The investigation is ongoing as officers try to gather potential video footage and serial numbers of stolen items.

Officers were assigned an agency assist regarding a missing person out of Castle Rock PD. The night prior an MSPD officer ran an associated plate before that person was entered as missing. Officers remembered where they ran that plate and went to the location to attempt to find the vehicle. The vehicle was on scene and the missing person was inside. The missing person was safe, and Castle Rock was notified.


The Manitou Springs Police Department collected a bag that had been found in the Garden of the Gods. The owner of the bag was located and found to be out of state. Once the owner returns to the area, they will coordinate with the Manitou Springs Police Department to collect their belongings.

The Manitou Springs Police Department received a complaint of a vehicle that had been scratched with a key on Cave Avenue. After investigation a warrant for criminal mischief and domestic violence was issued.


Manitou Springs Police officers were dispatched for a found property call for service. A party reported a skateboard was sitting next to a utility pole. Officers responded to the area and secured the skateboard, placing it into evidence.

MSPD responded to the 100 block of Manitou Avenue for a male yelling and not leaving a local business. Contact was made and the individual was trespassed from the business. The individual had an out-of-county warrant, and a court date was set. The individual was given a ride to the shelter.


The Manitou Springs Police Department responded to a report of domestic violence. Upon arrival, officers conducted an investigation and found the male party had a misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. The male party was taken into custody and later booked into CJC.

A Texas drivers license was turned into the MSPD lobby by a citizen who found it on the sidewalk. Postcard was sent to the address on the license.

Manitou Springs Police Department officers were dispatched to a domestic violence in progress call for service. Upon arrival, officers contacted the two involved parties and through the investigation it was discovered both parties had committed a crime. Both parties were arrested, transported, and held at the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center.

The Manitou Springs Police Department responded to a report of a non-injury traffic accident. An investigation was completed and a report was completed. The driver found to be at fault was cited and released, both vehicles were able to drive away from the scene.

MSPD responded to a report from a city janitor of graffiti inside the men’s restroom at Soda Springs Park. Photos were taken of the graffiti. No suspects at this time.


Manitou Springs Police officers noticed a vehicle in the 1200 block of Manitou Avenue parked with brake lights on. Fifteen minutes later, the vehicle was still parked with brake lights on. A welfare check was conducted. A male was found sleeping in the driver’s seat. After investigation, the male was charged with DUI.

Manitou Springs police officers responded to a fraud call for service. Upon arrival, officers contacted a party for attempting to pay for a meal with fake money. Officers served and released the party for criminal possession of a forged instrument of the second degree.

Manitou Springs Police Department Officers contacted a party that was attempting to use a fake $100 bill to purchase food. When officers checked the party on NCIC/CCIC databases, they discovered the party had a warrant for their arrest. Officers arrested the party and released them on a PR bond.

The Manitou Springs Police Department responded to a report of a possible traffic accident near the west end of town. During the initial investigation, officers observed the suspect return to the scene and then leave the scene again. The suspect was located again and was suspected to have driven while under the influence of alcohol. The suspect was taken into custody and after testing and cited.

Officers responded to a non-injury traffic accident. The investigation led to the driver of one of the vehicles being arrested for DUI.

MSPD officers patrolling the downtown area, observed a physical altercation between several parties. Officers were able to determine who the aggressor was and summonsed the party.

Manitou Springs police officers responded as cover for El Paso County Sheriff’s Office to Cascade, CO to a report of a fight in a backyard, possibly kids having a party. After investigation, one of the parties was arrested for DUI. There was no fighting involved, just a party.


MSPD responded to a report of an unresponsive male in a vehicle in the 3000 block of Colorado Avenue. On arrival, male driver was found asleep in the driver’s seat. After investigation, the driver was arrested for DUI.

Officers responded to a report of a disturbance in the 100 block of Ruxton Avenue. A Manitou Springs male was issued a summons for disorderly conduct.


MSPD officer located an illegal camp near the intersection of W. Hwy 24 and S. Ridge Road. The transient was arrested on outstanding warrants.