Officers were made aware of a protection order violation. Officers later saw the suspect walking down Manitou Avenue. When an officer attempted contact, the suspect fled on foot. Officers were unable to locate the suspect. 


Officers received a lost wallet from a citizen. It was entered as found property.

Officers responded to Via Maria Theresa on a possible disturbance. A Manitou Springs female was arrested for a felony warrant and possession of a controlled substance. 

Officers took a report of a cold traffic accident near Manitou Avenue and Serpentine Drive involving no injuries. 


Officers responded to a call for service regarding a vehicle vs. a hazard in the 000 block of Manitou Avenue. No injuries or property damage were reported.

Officers responded to an assault-just-occurred in the 00 block of Manitou Avenue. When officers arrived they found a victim with a stab wound to their left forearm. Officers were told the suspect was in the residence and made announcements to come out. Officers witnessed the suspect jump out the rear window and began running down Manitou Avenue. Officers tased the suspect after several warnings and brought him into custody. 

The Manitou Crisis Response team responded to a check-the-welfare in the 800 block Manitou Avenue. Following investigation, an elderly female party was placed on a mental health hold, and transported to the hospital for treatment and evaluation. 

MSPD was called to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings parking lot for a hit-and-run accident. On arrival, one unoccupied vehicle was parked in a parking spot with damage to the right rear corner. The second vehicle had left the scene. Video footage was obtained from Manitou Cliff Dwelling. Investigation is ongoing searching for the second vehicle. 


Officers stopped a vehicle for an expired license plate in the 3000 block of W. Colorado Avenue. The driver was subsequently arrested for DUI. 

During a foot patrol of the 1300 block of Manitou Avenue, MSPD officers located a male sleeping near the creek. The male was found to have warrants out of El Paso County and was arrested and taken to CJC. 

Officers responded to a suspicious vehicle call on Pawnee Avenue. After locating the vehicle and conducting a traffic stop, officers arrested the driver for warrants and transported him to the El Paso County Jail. 


Officers located a bag of drugs in the back of a patrol car after a prisoner transport. Possible charges may be filed.

While on patrol, MSPD officers recognized an individual walking on West Colorado Avenue near 36th who had an active warrant. Contact was made with the individual and identified. The male was arrested and taken to El Paso County CJC. 

Officers were dispatched to an agency outside-assist call for service for the Manitou Springs Fire Department. Manitou Springs Fire Department had found drug paraphernalia around a party they had been called to help. When officers arrived on scene, they found drug paraphernalia in plain view. Officers cited the party for possession of drug paraphernalia. 

MSPD called to Fields Park on Beckers Lane to a report of a purse stolen out of a vehicle. Officers arrived and searched the area for a vehicle that was seen leaving the area. The vehicle was not located. During the investigation, CSPD advised that they had the purse at one of their stations. A witness saw a purse being tossed from a vehicle and they picked it up and took it to a police station. 

Two parties came into the Manitou Springs Police Department lobby to report a possible future domestic violence situation. Manitou Springs Police Officers took the report on the incident and provided advice to the parties to prevent a future domestic violence situation.

Officers attempted a traffic stop on a vehicle which then took off and refused to stop. The investigation is ongoing.


Officers observed a vehicle driving in the middle of Manitou Avenue nearly entering oncoming traffic and nearly hitting a sign. The driver was subsequently arrested for DUI. 

MSPD responded to a report of a vehicle accident in a parking lot in the 300 block of Manitou Avenue. On arrival, officers located two vehicles. One vehicle had backed into a parked vehicle, no injuries were reported. 

Officers conducted a traffic stop on Manitou Avenue and conducted a DUI investigation. The driver was not arrested for DUI but was cited for minor in possession. 


An unknown male subject entered The Barefoot Native Gallery and unlawfully removed items without paying. An investigation is ongoing.


Officers stopped a vehicle near Mayfair Avenue and Manitou Avenue. The driver was found to have an outstanding arrest warrant and was found to be DUI. A Manitou Springs man was arrested and taken to the El Paso County Jail. 

Officers conducted a traffic stop near Soda Springs Park. The driver was arrested on various drug related charges with intent to distribute, DUID, and traffic related offenses.