While hiking a subject dropped his firearm at the Williams Canyon Trailhead and reportedly accidentally shot his hiking partner. An investigation is ongoing. 



Manitou Springs Police Department responded to a theft of an electric bicycle in the 900 Block of Manitou Avenue. Information was gathered and the investigation is ongoing.



MSPD was dispatched to a business burglary in the 900 Block of Manitou Avenue. One suspect has been identified and MSPD is still investigating the second suspect.

The Manitou Springs Police Department responded to take a report of an electric bicycle that had been stolen from a local motel in the 00 block of Manitou Ave. The bicycle was taken some time during the night prior but an unidentified suspect. The bicycle was later found behind a local restaurant and returned to the owner. 



A citizen put a bicycle in the lobby of the police department. It has been entered as found property. 

A Manitou Springs Police Officer observed a male party on W. Colorado Avenue with several active warrants for his arrest. The officer was able to initiate contact with the male party and took him into custody. The male party was booked into CJC for his warrants without issue.  



Officers contacted a vehicle on W. Highway 24 to check on the welfare of the driver after a call of a possible accident with an unknown vehicle description. The vehicle contacted appeared to have been in an accident and it was unknown if it was related. The driver was determined not to be involved in the accident, but the driver was arrested for DUI.

Officers attempted a stop on a vehicle on S. 31st Street, but the vehicle continued to drive and did not stop. After the investigation, the driver of the vehicle was identified and contacted. She was cited for the incident. 

Officers responded to reports of what appeared to be a deceased body in the creek behind the Subway in the 300 block of Manitou Avenue. Officers responded and found an adult male with his entire body in the water with his head fully submerged. Medical quickly arrived and the male was pronounced deceased and transported via coroner. Officers did several hours of canvassing and neighborhood follow-up.  



The Manitou Springs Police Department responded to a report of a domestic violence-related call  for service on El Paso Boulevard. Officers conducted an investigation and once complete, a male party was arrested and booked into CJC on misdemeanor charges. 



Officers were conducting foot patrol in the downtown area when they observed a running vehicle with two sleeping occupants near Soda Springs Park. One of them was cited with Driving Under the Influence. 

An officer responded to a car parked and running with the driver sleeping behind a wheel on W. Colorado Avenue. It was determined that the driver was using drugs. He was charged and released. 

Officers were informed of two suspects who were seen kicking and causing damage to a sign for a business in the 600 block of Manitou Avenue. Officers attempted to locate the suspects but were unsuccessful. 

MSPD observed a traffic accident involving a vehicle and motorcycle near the intersection of Manitou Avenue and W. Highway 24. Two of the motorcycle riders were arrested for DUI and the traffic accident was documented.


Officers located a traffic accident involving a motorcycle and a sedan in the 100 block of Manitou Avenue. After the investigation, the rider of the motorcycle was arrested for DUI as well as another rider on scene not involved in the accident. 

Officers located a traffic accident involving a motorcycle and a sedan in the 600 block of Manitou Avenue. After the investigation, the rider of the motorcycle was arrested for DUI as well as another rider on scene not involved in the accident.