To the editor:
We just found out that your longtime staffer Jack Elder died in March, and we wish to relay our belated condolences.
From what we have heard, to call Jack a “staffer” doesn’t begin to do justice to what he did for the Bulletin. We live in Philadelphia and got to know Jack about 15 years ago, when our friend Johanna Goodman met him and moved to Manitou Springs to be with him.
Before Johanna died in 2017, we visited them regularly and got to know him well. A charming and generous man, Jack soon became our friend — one of our most knowledgeable friends.
He seemed to be interested in everything, from geology and Southwest military history to high-school football and Formula 1 auto racing, and he had the enthusiasm and communication skills to make us interested in all of it, too.
But Jack’s many friends, as well as your readers, no doubt already know that about him. Rest in peace, Jack.
Claudia Crane and Paul Droesch