Today is a great day to be a Manitou Mustang and I am proud to be the president of the Manitou Springs School District 14 Board of Education.

Our busy schools are filled with future generations of Manitou Springs leaders, builders, creators, entrepreneurs and parents. Our busy classrooms are filled with amazing instructors and support staff eager to build these future generations.

Our bus drivers are moving everyone around safely and with care. Our kitchens smell of healthful and scrumptious fare.

In many ways, we are a scene from a Richard Scarry “Busy Town” book. While other districts are struggling with test scores, low enrollment and teacherless rooms, we are thriving. Manitou Springs School District 14 is thriving.

We are fortunate to have a bipartisan, policy governance board during this era of education in America.

I would like to take a moment to introduce our new BOE member. Five dedicated community members applied for the opportunity to take Gary Smith’s seat on our board. All candidates clearly cared about our children and the future of our school district.

Christi-Marie Butler was interviewed Thursday, Sept. 1, and the BOE selected her to continue Smith’s term. Her passion for our kids and understanding of board dynamics is a welcome addition to the team. Congratulations, Christi-Marie!

This year, Manitou Springs Elementary School celebrates 100 years in our city. This is a remarkable anniversary. Let us know if you would like a tour of our aging facility and/or would like to discuss next steps for our learning spaces and people spaces.

And a special shout-out to our passionate mobility volunteers (PaCMan) for safely moving our MSES kids from their family cars and homes to the elementary school.

Our leadership team developed many necessary and supportive skills over the summer. Programs like TRUE-SPEAK support an evaluation process that promotes growth in a way that is effective and kind for all involved.

Working with the community, our leaders and instructors are protecting the heritage events that so many of us have loved and shared throughout the generations.

These are tumultuous times and they will continue to change. Although not perfect, MSSD14 is continuously adapting to our new and much-needed alternative and yet-to-be-defined future.

Our District Accountability Committee is working with the BOE to support the retention of our staff and improve communication between the district and our families and partners. Join us in listening to the needs of and providing for our future and by supporting all of those who work so hard to create that future.

I encourage each of you to find a way to take part in your local school district. Attend a theatrical production, listen to a musical performance and cheer your way through an athletic event.

You do not need to have a child to enjoy the talents of all of our children. After all, they will be running things one day. Let’s make sure they are ready to take care of all of us; I know that I am counting on them.

Walk with us or enjoy the Homecoming Parade: A Celebration of the Decades, which will start at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30.

Partake in our Alumni & Friends MSSD Celebration at the Trading Post 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1. And join us in returning the “M” on the mountain, contributing to the time capsule, building the connector trail to the Intemann Trail and more.

We want all of you to be a part of who we are, and we thank you for your support.

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