Chainsaw training for fire mitigation, Feb. 15-16 in Green Mountain Falls

In light of the recent catastrophic fires in CA, fire mitigation and disaster readiness are on many residents’ minds throughout the country. The Fire Mitigation Advisory Committee (FMAC) of Green Mountain Falls (GMF) is partnering for a second time with Team Rubicon, one of the leading humanitarian aid organizations in the US, to help area residents prepare and mitigate the chances of unexpected fire disaster.
Team Rubicon is a veteran-led humanitarian organization delivering impactful disaster relief nationwide. They support communities before, during and after crises with the help of dedicated veterans and volunteers.
In August 2024, under the leadership of then chair of the FMAC David Douglas, Team Rubicon conducted a week-long fire mitigation operation in Green Mountain Falls. The response from the community was quite positive, and 19 local properties benefitted from fire mitigation work that would have been costly, difficult and, in some cases, dangerous. It was a community effort, with Church in the Wildwood serving as the base of operations (including sleeping arrangements for the Rubicon volunteers), and Cantina Verde with the assistance of an angel donor catering a meal for the work crews. Town trustees John Bell and Don Walker were among the volunteers.
To continue the partnership with Team Rubicon and to further fire mitigation in GMF, Douglas asked Team Rubicon to return to conduct a chainsaw training, scheduled for Feb. 15 and 16. The training will provide residents with the skills and knowledge to safely and effectively mitigate their properties from wildfire risks. Participants will receive valuable skill training in chainsaw operations. Homeowners will receive additional fire mitigation on the properties where the training will take place.
Paul Yingling, chair of the FMAC in GMF, states, “Property owners have control over what happens on their properties, including deciding which trees are taken down. Owners can contact us to do assessments, to find out what their risks are, and we can also give them mitigation options … We’re working on a number of [possibly grant-supported] mitigation options, including helping the property owner to do their own work.”
To sign up for the training, become a Team Rubicon member for free with no other obligation at by Jan. 31. This process covers you under Team Rubicon’s insurance and allows you to use their equipment.
The training includes eight hours at the GMF Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 15, and eight hours of field training in GMF on Sunday, Feb. 16. There will be free lunch, snacks and coffee on both days, including a hot chili luncheon prepared by members of the FMAC. To be certified as a Saw 1 chainsaw operator, complete a multiple-choice test and field evaluation at the conclusion of the weekend training. On Monday, Feb. 17, trainees are invited to participate in an optional workday of fire mitigation in GMF.
Training spaces are filled on a first-come first-served basis, with priority given to GMF residents. Participation is not confirmed until the Team Rubicon membership sign-up process is complete.
Yingling warns residents “The greatest public safety threat in GMF is the risk of wildland fire. The reason many of us live in GMF is that we love our forests. However, left unmitigated, those forests pose a danger to us all.”
Yingling acknowledges the help and support of GMF Town Mayor Todd Dixon and the Board of Trustees in making these efforts possible.
If you have questions, Paul Yingling may be contacted at 719-368-0816 or at
Sisters Helping Sisters Gathers Sunday, Feb. 9, 1-3 p.m.

Gather in the company of kindred spirits as Sisters Helping Sisters meets again to make feminine hygiene kit components for girls and young women who are in need. This project of Church in the Wildwood is part of the efforts of Days for Girls International ( to support girls and young women around the world who are prevented from going to school or work during their monthly cycle. Enjoy refreshments, friendship and good vibes. No sewing experience is necessary. Bring along a snack to share if you wish.
Sisters Helping Sisters meets in Tatter Hall of Church in the Wildwood (10585 Ute Pass Ave., Green Mountain Falls). Email for more information and to sign up or just come that day.