
The City of Manitou Springs is conducting a required inventory of water service lines to identify materials used in pipes supplying drinking water to residents’ homes. The initiative, prompted by new state and federal regulations, seeks to identify lines potentially containing lead, a material known to pose serious health risks. City officials are urging residents to verify their service line materials and stay informed.


Residents can check if their service line material has been identified by visiting the service line inventory map at To access the map:

1. Select “What’s Happening in My Community.”

2. Choose “Colorado.”

3. Select “El Paso County.”

4. Choose “Manitou Springs.”

5. Look for your water system name and enter the public water system ID “CO0121450.”


City records show that the material of some service lines remains unknown. Property owners are encouraged to verify their line material, and the city is offering assistance if needed. If a lead service line is discovered, the city will coordinate with homeowners on replacement options.

The inventory aligns with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recent initiative to strengthen drinking water protections. In December 2021, the EPA announced Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) to further safeguard communities from lead exposure in drinking water.


Lead Exposure and Health Risks

Lead exposure through drinking water can result in serious health issues, particularly for children and pregnant women, including developmental delays, behavioral problems, and other long-term health effects. The city recommends that homeowners replace any lead service lines on their property, and the city will replace its portion of identified lead lines.


Steps to Minimize Lead Exposure

To help reduce lead exposure, residents are advised to:

• Run cold water for several minutes if it has not been used for hours.

• Use only cold water for drinking, cooking, and preparing baby formula.

• Consider installing a certified water filtration device to remove lead.

For more information or to confirm the material of your service line, contact the City of Manitou Springs’ Water and Sewer Division at (719) 685-2562 or email: . Property owners will receive annual notifications if their service line material remains unverified.

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