Friends, although January is already coming to a close, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year! January is often considered a month of preparation. It provides a fresh start to set intentions, plan goals, and lay the groundwork for the months ahead.
In the spirit of preparation, I want to share how Colorado Springs has prepared for 2025.
First, as we look ahead with hope and optimism, I have selected the City organization guiding word of the year – data.
As the saying goes, ‘In God we Trust, all others must bring data.’ But why ‘data’?
In 2025, data will help ensure we’re hitting the mark on our priorities with precision. In this era of misinformation and alternative facts, we must cut through the noise. Further, good data will guide good decision making. I acknowledge data will never replace good judgment, but it is essential to informing it. My team and I are committed to using data to power everything we do.
Next, I’m pleased to share our 2025 Strategic Doing Actions ( This is our annual contract with the community, and a roadmap to what we plan to accomplish this year. In it are 101 actions tied to the City’s five strategic priority areas. Each action is intentionally connected to the City’s Strategic Plan, which was widely informed by community feedback.
Here’s one action from each priority area:
· Public Safety – Leverage and implement technology to improve public safety efforts.
· Infrastructure – Develop a traffic safety plan.
· Housing Solutions – Complete the housing needs assessment and action plan.
· Economic Vitality – Provide workforce development support to key economic development partners.
· Community Activation – Launch a new GoCOS platform for enhanced resident engagement.
In God we Trust, all others must bring data – Mayor Yemi Mobolade
Progress will be updated throughout the year, culminating in a final report. Visit to see all the actions. You will also find a final report for 2024.
I also want to talk about wildfire preparedness. This topic has risen to the forefront of our collective minds because of the Los Angeles-area wildfires.

Our minds, hearts and prayers are with the residents of L.A., and I am deeply moved by the tireless efforts of the first responders, emergency teams, and citizens rallying together during this difficult time. The people of Colorado Springs stand in solidarity with L.A., and I am proud of our Colorado Springs firefighters who deployed to assist.
A natural question has arisen from the L.A. disaster. Is Colorado Springs prepared? The answer is yes – and – we are continuously preparing.
Here are key actions:
1. In collaboration with Colorado Springs Utilities, the City conducts regular mitigation work. We have recently completed work on public land in Stratton and Austin Bluffs open spaces and Fishers Canyon. And, Utilities strategically mitigates areas to protect utilities infrastructure.
2. The City regularly informs and encourages residents to take wildfire safety measures, like home hardening. Our next community meeting on this topic is Feb. 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Fire Department headquarters, 375 Printers Pkwy. I highly encourage you to attend.
3. We hold annual evacuation drills and have improved our ability to provide emergency notifications in multiple languages.
4. Through the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (PPROEM), we continuously plan and evaluate the best ways to respond to wildfire. This includes advanced evacuation planning that leverages new technology and coordination between agencies.
our collective, primary focus in a wildfire event is preservation of life. While rebuilding homes and losing possessions is devastating, it does not compare to the loss of a family member, friend, or neighbor. Our No. 1 priority in all this work is you.
How can you prepare? Sign up for Peak Alerts to receive official emergency notifications, create a go-bag with important items in case of an evacuation, and determine your wildfire risk by knowing if your home is in the Wildland Urban Interface.
Also related to preparation is our coordinated response to the arctic blast earlier this month. Several City departments ensured our community’s safety, including PPROEM, the Fire Department’s Homeless Outreach Program, Police Department’s Homeless Outreach Team, and our Public Works crews who worked hard to keep our roads safe. Mountain Metro Transit also actively assisted with transportation.
The City collaborates with many partners across the region to assist residents experiencing homelessness and has committed $40,000 to assist HopeCOS for cold weather sheltering. Six local shelters were opened for this cold snap. In total, 824 individuals were sheltered, and we still had an available capacity of 306 beds.
My personal thanks to everyone who donated goods, time or money to help those in need during this frigid weather. Together, we saved lives.
Another way I’m preparing for this new year is by ensuring Colorado Springs has a seat at the table in the decisions that impact us on the state and federal level. In Washington D.C. this month, I met with leaders from both sides of the aisle and talked about the support our city expects and needs.
This included time with Congressman Jeff Crank who was recently appointed to the House Armed Services Committee and is working closely with us to help communicate the importance of keeping Space Command where it belongs, right here in Colorado Springs.
It is important that I consistently spread the word about our priorities and needs across all levels of government and maintain strong relationships with agencies and individuals who can help us achieve our goals.
My team and I are honored to work every day on your behalf to make Colorado Springs a city of great neighbors and neighborhoods. A city that is safe, economically prosperous, culturally rich, welcoming, and vibrant world-class city on a hill that shines brightly. Although I cannot predict everything that will happen to our city this year, please know we are continuously preparing on your behalf, and I invite you to come alongside us in this good work.
Together, WE are Colorado Springs!
Onward and upward.