To the editor:

Although I believe that allowing retail marijuana sales in Manitou is good policy, I am writing this letter to urge citizens to vote no on the initiative to add a third store. 

In 2013 and 2014, when the question of allowing retail marijuana sales was hotly debated in our community, I was a strong supporter for allowing retail marijuana in Manitou. 

At that time, a group of citizens worked together to develop an approach that would allow responsible and regulated retail sales in our community. The group included representatives from City Council, District 14 staff, law enforcement and other concerned citizens.

We listened to those on both sides of the issue and reached compromises to develop an ordinance that would work for everyone. Over the years, it has worked well.

I am confident that it will continue to be the best approach for Manitou. 

Besides the fact that any additional stores would provide no true benefit to our community, if this initiative passes it will be legislating special property rights for a single property owner in Manitou.

The initiative is written in such a way that only the Higginbotham Flats property can meet the requirements. The unintended consequences of such a zoning change to favor a single property owner would be detrimental to Manitou.