“This is a fresh start, with a new community, with an awesome board, with great citizens. I’m really looking forward to being able to serve. Seeing what that means for me, and seeing what the town’s wants and needs are, is really important to me.”
So begins Caleb Patterson, Green Mountain Falls’ newest town manager. His new position began Feb. 3 after months of board controversy regarding budgetary constraints, past town manager experiences and opinions about present town needs.
Patterson is no stranger to board controversy. He retired from his post as town manager of Westcliffe due to a reported falling-out with the mayor. He became available at the perfect moment for GMF’s open position.
“Managers take on an enormous amount of risk. We have to uproot our families,” he noted, adding that his family still resides in Westcliffe while he rents a room in Colorado Springs. He also cited concerns with cost of living and contract terms that factor in to such a big move.
His current contract comes under evaluation and renewal each year.
Patterson confidently states that, “I did it [agreed to this position] because I wanted to take on the challenge. If I can prove to a populace that a manager is absolutely worth it, that would be huge for my profession.”
“I’ve gotten a lot done so far,” he continues. “There’s been no financial reporting for the last few years. As a manager, that’s my number one thing to get done.”
He’s been streamlining accounts, records, procedures, line-items and more. He’d like to get monthly budget reports initiated by the end of March, balancing transparency and efficiency.
What does the future hold for Green Mountain Falls?

“One of the first things I’d like to do is to have some way-finding signage right at the highway that shows people there’s a town here. There’s not just houses. There’s restaurants, there’s businesses, there’s an art scene here,” he said. “Trying to bring people off Hwy. 24 down to our little town I think is crucial. We haven’t tapped into that yet. So economic development, starting with wayfinding signage, something simple … There’s other ways we could support our current businesses through partnering with them, helping with their outward appearance, making the area a little more beautified.”
Where does the money for that come from?
“The bulk is going to have to come from grants, and that’s the reason why I think we need to do better in economic development,” he said. “We have a 3% sales tax, a short-term rental tax, a lodging tax, a property tax, but at the end of the day we’re only pulling in $845,000. The easy cop out answer would be, ‘oh let’s just increase taxes,” but that’s not the answer. So, what we have to do is to make an investment in our businesses … economic development is vital.”
I wanted to take on the challenge. Caleb Patterson, GMF town manage
Regarding recent refurbishes and projects including the gazebo bridge, the stilling basin, the gazebo, and the fitness court along with other potential projects to come such as refurbishing the bridge into town and the pool park, Patterson thinks GMF is “doing pretty good so far protecting the vibe of a small mountain town community.”
“Trying to balance [supporting our small-town aspect] is always kind of a trick while trying to move us forward,” he said.
Patterson has a close working relationship with the town’s mayor Todd Dixon and others. “Todd has been an awesome mayor, someone I can learn from, and partner with. He’s always been really helpful, and I’ve really appreciated that,” he said.
“I’m the boots on the ground…If the board wants to go to the employees, they go through me,” he said. “The relationship [with the Board] is always something that is being refined, worked upon, balancing expectations and reality, and it’s pretty tricky.”
Patterson will rely on lessons learned from his Westcliffe experience in his new relationship with the current Board of Trustees.
“Our department heads [and I] get along great,” he said. “They are super supportive, and they love to serve, and our relationship is really strong. I would say with the board as well.”
Patterson concludes, “Give me some time. I promise to show results. Right now, I’m working on a lot of goals for this year … I love citizen engagement … If anyone has any way that you think that the town could be better, I’m open, and I’d love to talk with you.”
You can reach Caleb Patterson at manager@gmfco.us, and go to greenmountainfalls.colorado.gov for more information on governance in GMF.
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