The Saturday, March 2, festivities started with the 30th annual Mumbo Jumbo Cook-off in Soda Springs Park. Twelve teams competed in professional and amateur chef categories, along with the Showmanship and People’s Choice awards.

Creole Roots Food Truck won first place in the professional division, along with the People’s Choice award. Border Burger Bar and Po’ Brothers took second and third place, respectively.

Eric Machens of the Three Avengers (No Thor) team won the amateur division; John Charland of Stir It Up took second and Jen Richard of Krewe de Voodoo took third, along with the Showmanship Award.


The Carnivale Parade winners are:

Le Grande Krewe (in memory of Pam LeGrande): Krewe of Jibwa;

Best use of theme: Rockey’s Krewe;

Most Manitou flair: Krewe Khameleon; and

Best showmanship: Krewe de Voodoo.


The 24-foot-tall Charles Rockey puppet was a huge hit with the crowd on Saturday. Creator Sofia Hernandez Crade and her krewe won the best use of theme award.
Archtop Eddy plays as he walks in the parade.
The occasion gives people the chance to wear elaborate costumes and masks.
People sampling gumbo wander through the Bud Ford Pavilion in Soda Springs Park.