Publisher/Managing Editor Heila Ershadi

Readers, now is the time to become subscribers!

Friends and readers of the Bulletin, Pam Zubeck is in the house! Her monthly column, “Pam Zubeck has a few questions,” debuts in this edition, along with an introduction she wrote to the series.

If you’ve been reading local journalism over the past three decades, you know why having Pam on the Bulletin team is a big deal. She’s been doing local investigative journalism since 1993. She has insight into the issues like no other and knows how to dig deep to get to the important truths. Hers is the type of journalism that is truly crucial for democracy: it keeps public institutions transparent, the citizenry informed, and officials accountable. It is an honor to have her work in the pages of the Bulletin, and a service to our growing readership.

In this initial installment, Pam points to gaps in the existing coverage of the UCCS killings that happened earlier this year and asks the missing questions; our reporter Heidi Beedle is already working on the follow-up article this column spurs.

The format of her columns puts her questions out where anyone can see them. This comes straight from the Bulletin’s ethos of putting the truth first, ahead of “getting the scoop.” While we do take pride when we are the first to report on an important local story, we as a nonprofit newspaper have a deeper mission to serve the community.

Pam joins the Bulletin at a time when our journalistic momentum has been building rapidly. We have quite the all-star team over here; in this issue alone, we have pieces from known bylines such as John Hazlehurst, Warren Epstein and Heidi Beedle. The recent recipient of the Mayor’s Spirit of the Springs Lifetime Achievement award, Richard Skorman, has been putting his decades of deep involvement in Colorado Springs into columns for the Bulletin on how the city can grow well.

We have been covering politics from Manitou Springs City Council meetings all the way up to state-level races. Our photographers capture important community events; our sportswriter highlights the athletic achievements of Manitou Springs High School. Business profiles shine a light on our local one-of-a-kind establishments and the people behind them – a recent piece went locally viral, bringing a noticeable bump in customers to a fledgling zero proof bar.

Environmental stewardship is the focus of several regular features. Readers send intelligent and impassioned letters; guest columnists treat us to fresh voices and ideas. We regularly spotlight area nonprofits and sponsor community events.

This isn’t even a full accounting of what the Bulletin is about, but I think it’s enough to demonstrate that we are doing good, important things – and we have the potential to do much more. We want to grow and continue this amazing trajectory. But to do this, we need support.

If you value the work we do, please subscribe or donate today at, or contact our Director of Advertising Karen Hazlehurst 719-238-6211 to grow your business while supporting the Pikes Peak Bulletin.

Thank you for reading and for being a part of the Bulletin community!

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