Brooke Barnett is a committed Carnegie Library advocate. At 9 years old, this spunky, articulate fourth-grader at Manitou Springs Elementary School has plenty to say about the library building being closed.
She is old enough to have been in school when the 701 Manitou Ave. building was open and credits the books she read with helping her learn to read and love reading.
She also remembers story times, craft projects and building gingerbread houses at Christmas time — her personal favorite.

THE NEW CARNEGIE LIBRARY will be wonderful.

Brooke was visiting her grandma (Alice Barnett, aka “Bygie”) when a nextdoor neighbor, Barb Winter, asked Brooke if she would like to address City Council about the library and what reopening the library building means to her and other children.

The response was an enthusiastic “Yes!” with some reservations about what that would entail. So, Ms. Winter took Brooke to City Hall to look around.

At the July 18 City Council meeting, Mayor John Graham read a formal proclamation officially kicking off the fundraising portion of the Carnegie Library renovation and addition project.

Ms. Winter introduced Brooke, who then spoke to council.
Brooke spoke of all the reasons she is happy that the library will be saved and reopened. She specifically cited the fact that handicapped children in the elementary school will be able to come downstairs via the elevator and participate in programs alongside their classmates.

She talked about how the new accessibility will be great for people ofall ages who have physical limitations. The new Carnegie Library will be wonderful and open to everyone.
After thanking council for allowing her to speak, Brooke pulled out a plastic sandwich bag with money she took out of her own piggy bank to help with the needed funds. She had printed the word “book” on it. She gave it to Ms. Winter, who is on the fundraising committee.

If every person in Manitou can do as Brooke did, we can finish our fundraising this fall and begin to DIG.

Won’t you consider donating? Visit or pick up our pamphlet at the Chamber of Commerce, 354 Manitou Ave., or at City Hall, 606 Manitou Ave.
Please find the time, as Brooke did, to make reopening our library a priority. We are so close to our budget goal!