Volunteer Opportunities
Manitou boards and commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou boards and commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou Boards and Commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou boards and commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou boards and Commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou boards and Commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…
Manitou Springs Volunteer Fire Department The MSVFD is looking for people who want to make a difference in the community.…
Manitou Springs Volunteer Fire Department The MSVFD is looking for people who want to make a difference in the community.…
The Great Fruitcake Toss Fun-loving people are needed to help with the Saturday, Jan. 22, event. Go to manitousprings.org/volunteer-in-manitou-springs or…
Manitou boards and commissions The Historic Preservation Commission needs two regular members and one alternate; the Housing Advisory Board needs…