To the editor:

A wise person said that a story known is only through the story told. I also once read “Stories bring us together. They are shared knowledge, shared legend, and shared history; often, they shape our shared future.”

Concerned people have asked many questions about staff leaving the district. Although just a few have shared their story, many others have not. It is only through sharing that we can see the entire picture, learn and ensure the best for our students, teachers and community.

Through my 33 years, there have been many changes, and some have been challenging, especially in the last few years, but I feel they have taught us many lessons that will lead to better education for our students.  

I am one of the people leaving this year and it was the hardest decision I have ever made.  Manitou is one of the best parts of my life. I believe that Elizabeth, Eric, Dustin and Area have always looked at what is best for students and our teachers.

If I could, I would work another 33 years.   

The middle school is strong! I’ve talked to each person not returning and they have various reasons. However, none were because of anything negative about their experience with Manitou Springs Middle School, our district or administration.  

So many great things are happening, so many master teachers in our district and so many amazing administrators, and they need to be celebrated.

Manitou has always been about the whole child and that has never changed. Let’s support our district and the people who work tirelessly to ensure our students have every possible opportunity for success.

Let’s work together to find solutions to our challenges. It has always been a collaborative effort for our students and that should always continue.

Thank you to all who want the best for our district and are willing to look at all sides so we can learn, grow and change for the better.   


Viola Gaunce