To the editor:

I am writing to express my deep disappointment in Manitou Springs School District leadership’s decisions in recent months. 

One, the news of the resignation of MSHS principal Mr. Hull — a dedicated and experienced educator who I know cares deeply about the school, the teachers and the students. The impacts of these departures are felt in the classrooms. 

Additionally, a decision to extend leave to longtime teachers earlier this year resulted in our students receiving inadequate substitute teaching for core classes for an extended period. Why? Teachers returning had to catch up for weeks, and so did our students. 

The lack of consistency during a time when the kids are very much craving normalcy is frustrating. 

To the superintendent and Board of Education: How do you plan to attract and retain top teachers? What is your vision and how are you supporting students and staff to meet this vision? 

I welcome ideas for parent involvement but not in the form of yet another hiring committee. 

Danielle Nieves