Shanti Toll
Guest columnist

What makes Manitou Springs a wonderful community to live and work? How and where does our town get our community vitality and character (weird though it may be)?

I submit that it is the people of Manitou Springs past and present who make our town wonderful. Collectively, we make Manitou what it is and what it will be. It is the proactive people among us who make our town creative, dynamic and caring.

In this time of polarity and pandemics, it has been easy for me to become cynical and feel separated from what I see on the news. I have felt disconnected to what is happening around me. It is easy to blame government, engineers and billionaires for not solving the problems caused by over population and planetary warming.

Sadly, it seems that society these days is incapable of working together to create a sustainable future for our grandchildren. The problems are too big for little old me to impact, so I am just along for the ride, as I watch humanity self-destruct. (Sorry, I don’t believe that superpowers of superheroes will save the day.) 

As a longtime resident who has recently moved to Old Colorado City, I still look to Manitou Springs as special place where personal energy can make a difference. Manitou is small enough to respond to individuals who want to help, so I stay involved. The town — with all its quirkiness and mistakes — works for me as a vaccination against my distrust of modern civilization.

I see many Manitoids taking responsibility for making their social and physical environment better. People care and show their commitment to Manitou by volunteering or going above and beyond their job description to give service to others.

I am revitalized by seeing others go out of their way to help and work for the betterment of the community and the natural environment. It is uplifting to see others be positive, creative and conscious about making Manitou Springs a special place. 

I know Manitou, like every town, has a full diversity of people: old/young, rich/poor, physically-fit/disabled, families/singles, and all the other differences we share. It is hard to find compromise between competing interests.

However, I’m impressed that, generally speaking, Manitou (its government, school district, Pikes Peak Bulletin and most of our other local institutions) makes a significant effort to listen to individuals and be supportive of their dreams and needs. Manitou Springs tries to supports citizen contributing to the win-win approach to building a community. This does not often happen in bigger cities.

So this year, I’m again helping with the Manni Awards because Manitou Springs continues to support personal initiative and responsibility. These awards were created by Manitou institutions to acknowledge and honor individuals who don’t wait for others to make a difference. Their open hearts and creative minds work to keep Manitou on a personal human level.

Some volunteers create visual, musical or performing art. Others offer their energy to create an environment of healing and well-being. Many volunteers work with kids to bring forth their potentials and dreams.

There are so many ways citizens offer visionary leadership and volunteer energy.

Some people are just helpful to their neighbors in times of need. Others make a long-term commitment to help the community preserve and enhance our human resources and old buildings. They join city advisory boards or social organizations like Kiwanis or the churches. (It’s good to remember that City Council members are basically citizen volunteers) 

In 2022, like many others, I am finding a new balance of being and doing. I appreciate Manitou Springs because it’s a community that allows and encourages personal action (doing) and collaboration with others.

During this historic time when overwhelming problems and deep distrust abounds, Manitou’s connections seem on a scale that is doable.

I invite you to look around to see who is doing quality service and being creative for the public good. Maybe give them a word of encouragement and appreciation.

If you see great personal service and leadership, please nominate someone for a Manni Award, which honors volunteers. To make a nomination, go to www.manitou

The Manni Awards ceremony (March 31) is Manitou’s annual celebration of our outstanding volunteers and visionary community leaders.