It’s Mardi Gras season and there’s no party like Carnivale in Manitou Springs! While in its first year as a nonprofit, Carnivale is already a beloved community event that is uniquely for the community and by the community. The board of directors, and the ManiKrewe committee that coordinates the parade and other events, have curated a slate of fun times that culminate in the 2025 Carnivale parade on Saturday, March 1.

“This year’s theme is ‘Cirque du Manitou,’ and we are really going to have fun with this one,” said Laura Ettinger-Harwell, vice-president of the Manitou Springs Carnivale board.

The parade is led by a King and Queen with dukes, duchesses, and a jester (all nominated and voted on by community members) plus other Manitou notables. They carry the giant letters spelling “Carnivale” in the parade. This year’s royal court will be announced at the CarniBall on Feb. 22.

“There’s so much more to the season than just the Carnivale parade, and we’re adding more events every year to engage the community,” said Ettinger-Harwell.

One new aspect is a Carnivale exhibit at the Manitou Springs Heritage Center coming Feb. 18 which will tell the story of Carnivale in Manitou Springs.

“It’s our goal to involve all age groups,” said Manitou Carnivale board member Judy Teevan. “Last year, we were able to really engage Manitou Springs Elementary art students in making shoebox floats, which is a tradition in the schools in the South during the Mardi Gras season. This year, we will continue to find ways to make school age kids a part of this community event.”

The King and Queen will review the kids’ floats on Thursday, Feb. 27 at 5:30 p.m. at the Manitou Art Center (513 Manitou Ave.).


Key dates for this season:

Feb. 24
Deadline for krewe registration (a krewe is a group that will march in the parade). Register at

Feb. 22
CarniBall, 6-9 p.m. at Iron Springs Chateau (444 Ruxton Ave.). Get tickets at

March 1
Mumbo Gumbo Jumbo Cookoff, 11 a.m. at Soda Springs Park (1016 Manitou Ave.). Only 75 cents per taste. Professional and Amateur categories. Register to compete at

Carnivale parade, 1 p.m. on Manitou Avenue. More info including on event parking at

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