Mercury in retrograde is a term that often causes an array of activity and concern, especially among those who are astrology enthusiasts. You may have even come across the term “Mercury retrograde” from social media, as many people begin cracking jokes stating that “Mercury is in ‘Gatorade’ again.” But what does it mean and why does it garner so much attention?


What is Mercury in retrograde?

When someone says that Mercury is in retrograde, they are referring to the period where Mercury moves slower than the Earth around the Sun. From our perspective, Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit. This optical illusion occurs three to four times a year, lasting about three weeks at a time. It is important to note that this is not a physical reversal of Mercury’s orbit; rather, it is just an effect of perspective.


The astrological perspective

In astrology, Mercury is associated with communication, travel, technology, intellect, news, gossip and information. When Mercury is in retrograde, astrologers believe that these areas have a significantly increased risk of becoming disrupted. Mercury is known as the “messenger of the gods” in mythology, and it governs how we think, speak and interact with others. Some common issues attributed to this period include travel delays, miscommunications, technical glitches and general confusion.


Common Beliefs and Misconceptions

Many people perceive Mercury in retrograde as a series of unfortunate events and it’s fairly common to see social media plagued with warnings of doom and gloom or advice on how to handle this period. Although the retrograde does have the potential for unfavorable events to occur and can bring about challenges in the aforementioned areas, it is better to use this period as an opportunity for reflection and reevaluation. Astrologers across the globe suggest using this time to review past projects, rethink decisions and clear up misunderstandings. While many people tend to blame Mercury going retrograde for their woes, it is crucial to remember that not every challenge you may experience during this time will be attributed to it. Astrology should be implemented in one’s life as a framework for reflection, but it is not an exact scientific explanation as to why you’re experiencing mishaps.


Best Practices for Dealing with Mercury Retrograde

While considering all the common challenges that people face during Mercury’s retrograde period, let’s look at what we can do to navigate during these turbulent weeks. Double-checking details and confirming appointments, reading instructions carefully and ensuring that documents are backed up will help you tremendously. Given the association with technology, it is advised to back up any important documents in preparation for potential technical difficulties. Staying flexible and expecting delays in plans you have will ease frustration when planning your agenda. Most importantly, use this time for self-reflection and review. Now is a great time for resolving any old conflicts, going back to complete old projects and taking into consideration how you can improve yourself as a person.


Going Into Mercury Retrograde for August 2024

Mercury will once again station retrograde on Aug. 5 and it will last until Aug. 28. While Mercury retrograde impacts all of us, the sign in which the retrograde falls in tends to be impacted the most. This retrograde period will initially fall into Virgo, and then later go into Leo. Therefore, if you have either of these zodiac signs in your Sun, Moon or Rising sign-also known as your “Big 3”-you may be hit harder than other zodiac signs. The key takeaways for the Virgo portion of this retrograde include issues with perfectionism and your overall agenda.

You may notice a disruption in your routine, and this will especially affect those with Virgo placements in their natal chart. If you are one who favors organization and planning, it is advised to take a step back and allow yourself to go with the flow during this period. With Virgo being a mutable Earth sign, you may lose your cool and blow up when things don’t go your way. Becoming distressed or angry in situations will only allow more room for misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Remaining calm and collected may be challenging, but it will aid you as you adjust to your agenda becoming unusually erratic. As this retrograde period shifts into Leo we will notice a shift that focuses on identity and confidence. Miscommunications and clumsy wording may be more prominent, so it is best to take a moment to breathe and avoid letting your lack of proper wording distress you. On the other hand, it is imperative to be extremely careful with your own actions. Leo is a proudly confident Fire sign, so this influence may embolden us to do things that we ordinarily wouldn’t do. You may feel an uptick in confidence that will convince you to send a risky text, but it is best to wait and ensure that you really mean what you’re saying.

Don’t let Mercury going into retrograde ruin your month. It is important to avoid panicking and instead embrace the shift of these planets. The potential impacts of Mercury going retrograde are ultimately theoretical. Remaining calm and poised is a much better approach and will help you handle any unwarranted changes.