To the editor:

Re: May 3 article headlined “Perspectives vary about night of 2022 shooting in Manitou.”

I read this article regarding this tragic event, and my condolences to Mr. Deweese’s family. I would like to give my perspective.

I was a witness to this shooting. I work in the service industry, mostly sweeping up empty glasses and moving music gear. I often work the nightclub staff shift (8 p.m.-4 a.m.). I was working near Kinfolks when I received a text from a friend that simply said, “Royal needs help now!” 

I walked to the Royal, where I heard that somebody had pulled a gun on the bartender, then left. I was told that police had been called. I exited the Royal and saw police lights in front of the Barker House. 

I sat on the Barker House porch with several other witnesses for almost an hour. We listened to the police practically beg Deweese to lay down his gun and surrender. Deweese refused to comply. He was warned a dozen times that the K9 would be released.

When the K9 was released, Deweese open fired. I counted the shots, heard the K9 cry out and heard Deweese cry out. I then watched MSPD personnel do everything in their power to try to save Deweese’s life. 

From my perspective, Deweese was armed and insistent on “suicide by cop.” As tragic as this situation is, I believe this shooting was justified and that MSPD used the appropriate amount of force.

The city of Manitou appears to be doing everything possible to reduce the risk should a situation like this occur again. Almost all businesses have reviewed and updated their security plans. 

MSPD has upgraded its police station to offer appropriate holding cells. MSPD and the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office participated in extensive SWAT training at the old Dillon Motel.

Manitou started an in-house EMS service to reduce wait times on medical calls. MSPD started a Crisis Response Unit in partnership with UCHealth to provide a mental health/social worker perspective on these types of calls.

I believe Manitou is doing everything possible to create a safe destination for locals and tourists.


Jason Harbour