New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration, new beginnings, traditions and more. It’s the time of year when everyone gathers to celebrate putting the past year behind us and bring in the fresh new year. 

However, this New Year’s Eve is even more special than most people may realize. 

If you look closely at the date, you’ll notice that the date of New Year’s Eve 2023 is 12/31/23 or “123123.” This is extremely significant in numerology.

Numerology is the ancient study of the meanings of numbers and their energetic effects in the world and people’s lives. It is said that every number carries a vibration and can reveal information about world affairs, challenges and life paths.

Pythagoras, who you may remember from math class with his Pythagorean Theorem, was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who crafted some of the earliest numerology studies to date. Many modern numerologists research his work because he assigned a deeper, mystical property to each number.

Pythagoras also developed a system that attached numbers to letters. Recurring numbers are incredibly significant in numerology, and are referred to as “master numbers,” or “angel numbers.”

It is believed that, when you see recurring numbers anywhere, it is a direct sign from your guides or guardian angels.

For example, you may see people make a mental note when they see “11:11” on their microwave, and that’s because 11 is a master number. Therefore, when you see recurring 11s it’s a sign that your guides are looking out for you and trying to communicate that you’re on the right path. 

The upcoming New Year’s Eve is 123123, which has a very special meaning in numerology. Let’s break it down: 1 symbolizes the spark of initiation, power and confidence, 2 focuses on building and 3 is creation. When you put these numbers together as a sequence, it’s saying that the spark of initiation is seeking to build a new creation.

This sequence of numbers will obviously not happen for another century, so the numerology behind New Year’s Eve is trying to tell us that something huge is about to happen.

The New Year’s Eve number sequence contains three master numbers: 11, 22, 33. These numbers together give us 66, and since all master numbers are multiples of 11, this date’s number sequence gives us all of the master numbers from 11 to 99. 

New Year’s Eve 2023, numerologically speaking, is a major turning point in the human journey. If you add up the numbers in 123123, the sum is 12. Number 12 is a special master number that means spiritual enlightenment.

It also relates to the Hanged Man card in tarot, which is often interpreted as a new perspective. Although the Hanged Man is in a difficult position — meaning that we may be stubborn when trying to see a new point of view — if we apply the saying “out with the old, in with the new” to our lives, we will develop a greater sense of tolerance and compassion.

To go even further into this fascinating phenomenon, adding 20 (as in 2023) reveals even more information. Adding the 20 to this already complicated number sequence produces the karmic number 14/5, which tells us that we need to move forward, stop repeating the same mistakes and patterns, and adapt to learning new lessons and viewpoints going forward.

Due to the intense nature of this numerical sequence and the chaotic happenings in our personal lives and the world, this New Year’s Eve brings a higher sense of awakening to the universe.

123123 suggests that we will enter the new year with a profound breakthrough that will unveil truth and potential. 2024 is bringing in a universal monumental shift that will change the world as we know it.

Take note that this New Year’s Eve is bringing an abundance of positive and ground-breaking changes.